DUECE was produced here on 06/17/07. I own Duece. Duece is 2 years old in picture. CASH was produced here on 06/17/07. Jimmy owns Cash in Richmond,VA. Cash is 2 years old in picture. CREME was produced here on 06/17/07. Mr. Smith owns her in Hopewell,VA Creme is 3 years old in picture. SHY was produced here on 01/31/08. The Hopewell Animal Hospital owns her. Shy is 10 months old in picture. CIQOU was produced here on 09/28/08. Demonte owns him in Ettrick, Va. Ciqou is 10 months old in picture. SPADE was produced here on 06/07/09. Jarrat owns her in Prince George,VA. Spade is 1 year old in picture. DOLCE was produced here on 06/07/09. Michelle owns her in VA. Dolce is 11 months old in picture. CHAMP was produced here on 08/11/09. Mr.Smith owns him in Hopewell ,VA. Champ is 10 months old in picture. CEAZER was produced here on 08/11/09. Chris owns her in Chester,VA. Ceazer is 5 months old in picture. NINO WAS PRODUCED HERE ON 5/26/10 Harold Morris owns him in MD JOZIE was produced here on 10/19/10. Chad and Olivia owns her in VA. Jozie is 9 months old in picture. CHUNK WAS produced here on 10/19/10. Nicole and Travis owns him in VA. Chunk is Carmen and Markgo puppy DUNNAN was produced on 06/01/11. Dunnan is Apollo first son of many. Soloman owns him in VA. Dunnan is 10 months in picture. BOO was produced here on 09/10/11. Whop owns him in VA. Boo is 7 Months in picture. BOSS was produced here on 9/10/11. Boss is 1 1/2 in this picture. XENA was produced here on 03/16/12. Melanie Daily own her in TX. XENA is 1 year old in this picture. SNOW FLAKE was produced here 03/16/12. I own her and she is 1 year old in picture. BLUE GOTTI was produced here 03/16/12. Deonta own her in VA. BLUE GOTTI is 1 year old in picture. CASH was produced here 12/08/2012. Antonio owns him in VA. Cash is one year old in picture. MONSTER was produced here 03/16/12. Brian own him in VA. MONSTER is 1 year old in picture. SMOKE was produced here . Brent own her in VA. SMOKE is 1 year old in picture. ROXY was produced here 03/16/12. Brent own her in VA. ROXY is 2 year old in picture.