All puppies will be ABKC Registered. all puppies will have their first shots and they will be dewormed.

Sarabi ( Merle)
Kronos (Champagne brindle)

Litter was born on 09/03/2024  

   Puppies are here Reserve your puppy before its to late. litter of 5 puppies 1 male & 4 females

Pick Spots 

Male 1:   Mr Blakes (VA)

Pick Spots

Female 1: Vtobluepitbulls    

Female 2: Tiana

Female 3: Alicia & Kisare

Female 4: $2,500



All reserved pups must be paid in full by 8 weeks of age or deposit is forfeited.


Reserved For Mr Blakes (VA)


Reserved For Vtobluepitbulls
Reserved For Alicia & Kisare
Reserved For Tiana
Reserved For
Reserved For
Reserved For
Reserved For
Continue ReadingSarabi & Kronos

All puppies will be ABKC Registered. all puppies will have their first shots and they will be dewormed.

vto Sarabi ( Merle )
Kronos ( Champagne Brindle)

 Litter Due 9/7, 9/9 or 9/12/24 / Breeding took place 7/2, 7/4 & 7/7/24 

Puppy Contract

Pick Spots

Male 1:  $3,000

Male 2: Mr Blakes

Male 3: $2,500

Male 4: $2,500

(If more than 4 males are born, more pick spots will open)

Pick Spots

Female 1: Vtobluepitbulls or $3,000

Female 2: Tiana

Female 3: Alicia & Kisare

Female 4: $2,500 

(If more than 4 females are born, more pick spots will open)


All reserved pups must be paid in full by 8 weeks of age or deposit is forfeited.

    Continue ReadingSarabi & Kronos

    All puppies will be ABKC Registered. all puppies will have their first shots and they will be dewormed.

    Storm (White & Brindle)
    Achillies (Champagne Brindle )


    Litter Due / Breeding took Place 

    Puppy Contract

    Pick Spots

    Male 1: $2,500

    Male 2: $2,000

    Male 3: $2,000

    Male 4: $2,000

    (If more than 4 males are born, more pick spots will open)

    Pick Spots

    Female 1:  $2,500

    Female 2: $2,000

    Female 3:  $2,000

    Female 4: $2,000

    (If more than 4 females are born, more pick spots will open)


    All reserved pups must be paid in full by 8 weeks of age or deposit is forfeited.

    Continue ReadingStorm & Achillies
    HEAD SIZE: Coming Soon
    WEIGHT: Coming Soon
    COLOR: Champagne
    BLOODLINES: Coming Soon
    DOB: Coming Soon
    ABOUT NALA: Coming Soon
    Continue ReadingNala
    Carmen Brown of PG
    Brown's Powder - VTO Blue Magic
    Envy Don Duece Duece of VA
    VTO Snowflake of Carmen Brown
    UKC GRCH Bedrock's Romeo of Black Pearl
    UKC GRCH Redwood Cocoa Pebbles
    UKC GRCH Ruffian Blue of York
    UKC CH Phoebus Blue's Kachina Rising
    UKC GRCH Perdue's Blaze of Glory
    UKC GRCH Perdue's One Eyed Jack
    UKC NGRCH, GDCH Jericho's Dream Weaver
    UKC CH Razor's Edge Purple Rose of Cairo
    UKC CH Razor's Edge Call Him Lil Man
    UKC GRCH Razor's Edge Throwin' Knuckles
    UKC GRCH Razor's Edge B Diamond Rising Sun
    UKC CH Jackson's GMJ Mr. Brooks
    UKC GRCH Herring's Bullet
    UKC GRCH Redwood's Bam Bam Of Bedrock
    UKC GRCH Gaff's California Zima
    UKC GRCH Razor's Edge Ghangas Khan Of Bd
    UKC CH Blue Diamond's General
    UKC CH Blue Diamond's Cover Girl Of CPK
    Razor's Edge Tequila Sunrise
    UKC GRCH Razor's Edge Sadey's Paddington
    UKC CH Blue Diamond's Princess Zena
    UKC GRCH Sierra's Mo Betta Blu
    UKC CH Gaff-Sierra Titanium Tank
    UKC GDCH Razor's Edge Dinero
    Continue ReadingAncestors
    HEAD SIZE: 24”
    WEIGHT: 85 lbs
    COLOR: White & Blue
    BLOODLINES: Razor’s Edge, Gaff, VTO, & York
    DOB: 02/22/2010
    STUD FEE: $1,500
    ABOUT APOLLO: Apollo is the son of Duece . He was the pick of the litter and the biggest from his litter. Apollo is the family pet and very protective of his family.
    Click To See Apollo’s Photos


    Pedigree of Apollo
    Continue ReadingApollo